I want to expand on the thank you I just posted to Facebook to all the people that message me to thank me for my post. So much positive feedback encourages me to push past my fears and continue to post. It takes courage, because I write to remind us, we are only human and accepting that faulted position brings us much peace and room for improvement. But, many do not like to accept their humanness. The internet is filled with harsh and negative replies to statements that courageously admit one’s limitations as a human, whether a mistake or an opinion we disagree with. Yet at the same time, I believe accepting our humanness is one of the golden keys to decreasing our escalating numbers of depression, anxiety, addiction, suicide attempts, and suicides since the turn into this century. Closely followed by remembering the current trend of believing we don’t need each other is unfortunately unraveling us as individuals, and a society. Our world, and days, are filled with both hard, exciting, painful, and goodness. The trouble is the hard sticks, and the goodness is often overshadowed by the hard. We get angry and frustrated with the hard, which includes the inconsiderate and the usual day to day bumps. Yet, that is the key to helping life calm. Day to day bumps occur, every day, and most of them we handle well. Yet for some reason we want them all to go away, but they won’t. Balance is a Universal law, bumps will occur, and so will goodness. My personal moment to moment goal, that has seemed to bring me greater peace and appreciation of the goodness: Is to stop hoping or expecting the hard not to occur, handling it with more grace at the moment, commit a little prevention towards tomorrow, and not taking all the goodness that occurs between the period hard for granted. So instead of spending my day thinking about the poor customer service I received, I spend the day thinking about the person that slowed in heavy traffic to let me move into their lane. All of this is the reason I started The Yandle, John D., Sheehan, and Daigle Foundation. The responses I receive have about the same ratio of hard to goodness as life. 95% tell me “Please keep going, this is so needed, more than ever now.” However, 5% tell me, “I don’t get it, what are you trying to do?” Or “You will fail, no one cares to support goodness anymore.” So, thank you all for continuing to encourage and thank me, you are the 95% goodness that I know is out there. I wish you peace in your thoughts, heart, and action. Life is teamwork, v